EMGM 2025

The European Mathematical Genetics Meeting 2025 will take place at the University of Brest, France, on 8-9 April 2025. This annual meeting offers an informal environment to exchange ideas on the use of mathematical techniques in the field of genetics.

The general call for abstracts, for both oral and poster presentations, opens on January 6th, with all relevant topics welcome, and we encourage a focus on the following themes:

Genetic Epidemiology

•            Genetics of cancer

•            Pleiotropy

Statistical and Population Genetics

•            Ancient DNA

•            Under-represented populations

•            Non-human (plants, animals, microbes…) studies

•            Population structure in biobanks


•            Structural variants

•            Long-read sequencing


•            10 years on, how the field has changed since the last EMGM in Brest in 2015


We have also three exciting invited speakers confirmed for the meeting:

Céline Bon – Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France

Beatriz C. D. Cuyabano - INRAE – GABI, Université Paris Saclay, AgroParisTech, France

Garrett Hellenthal – University College London, UK

The local organising committee includes Anthony Herzig, Gaelle Marenne, Aude Saint Pierre, Ozvan Bocher, Hervé Perdry, and Vincent Calvez. Abstracts will be judged and the program will be compiled by the local organisers alongside non-local members of the scientific committee: Myriam Brossard (Toronto), Florian Privé (Aahus), and Simone Rubinacci (Helsinki).

The conference will take place at the Université Bretagne Occidental in the Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (20 Rue Duquesne, 29200 Brest) which is in the center of the city.

Brest has an international airport, notably with many daily flights to Paris CDG as well as other destinations in Europe (https://www.brest.aeroport.bzh/destinations-en-vols-directs). There is also a train station with many direct trains to Paris each day (bear in mind that it is a 4-hour journey). A wide range of accommodation is available in Brest: https://www.brest-metropole-tourisme.fr/en/organiser/dormir/hotels/.

A conference dinner will be planned for April 8th

For more information about attending or sponsoring the conference, please contact Anthony Herzig (anthony.herzig@inserm.fr).


The EMGM2025 is supported by the Réseau Thématique Math Bio Santé (CNRS), the Association Gaétan Saleün and La Region Bretagne

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